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The Solem­nityof Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Uni­verse, pop­ularly called the Feast of Christ the King, was insti­tuted by Pope Pius XI in 1925. For the Roman Cath­ol­ic Church, it was moved to the last Sunday in Ordin­ary Time in 1970. Tra­di­tion­ally, the feast can­not take place before 20th or after 27th of Novem­ber. That means, it must be cel­eb­rated between 20th-27th Novem­ber each year. The feast marks the end of the Ordin­ary Time and the Church’s Litur­gic­al Year. It is fol­lowed by the Sea­son of Advent. Pius XI’s inten­tion for insti­tut­ing this Feast was to com­bat sec­u­lar­ism and athe­ist­ic think­ing around the Globe. Many rulers and elites in vari­ous coun­tries of the world had fallen dan­ger­ously prey to the notion that man­kind do without God. Today, there are many reli­gious rulers (because they are not lead­ers) who are worse than those sec­u­lar rulers. Appar­ently, they seem to believe in God, but they are unbe­liev­ers and god­less, doing everything pos­sible and impossible to occupy this or that post in their vari­ous churches includ­ing the Holy Roman Cath­ol­ic Church.

The Audience under the Cross

The Jew­ish Assembly (the San­hedrin) laid a triple accus­a­tion against Jesus. When they brought Jesus before Pil­ate, they said “we found this man mis­lead­ing our people; he opposes the pay­ment of taxes to Caesar and main­tains that he is the Mes­si­ah, a king” (Luke 23:2). Since the Romans were not inter­ested in the reli­gious accus­a­tions and con­dem­na­tion of Jesus, the San­hedrin quickly presen­ted polit­ic­al motiv­a­tions. By accus­ing Jesus of mis­lead­ing the people, they meant he was dis­cour­aging them from being loy­al to Rome. That he for­bade people from pay­ing trib­ute to Caesar is totally false (cf. Matt 22:15–22. As regards his claim of being the mes­si­ah and king, Jesus cla­ri­fied this dir­ectly to Pil­ate (cf. John 18:33.36–37). Even the chief priests, scribes and Herod accused Jesus and mal­treated him. Des­pite find­ing him inno­cent, Pil­ate pre­ferred main­tain­ing his earthly throne and handed Jesus over to be cru­ci­fied. What a world!


Let us refer back to the four groups of people men­tioned above who stood before the cross of Jesus. Do these groups in any way reflect our soci­ety? I think we should answer in the affirm­at­ive. How? The first group rep­res­ents the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion of vari­ous nations. Gen­er­ally, in the midst of injustice, this people stand and watch. They would want to do some­thing but they can­not because they have no polit­ic­al and reli­gious power to do so. The only thing they can do is to stand and watch and pray, hop­ing that one day, God would intervene.


SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflec­tion for the 34th Sunday is found in The Word of Life, vol. III, pages 638–651. Happy reading!

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