Dear cherished reader! Welcome to the new liturgical year! This is the first Sunday in the Church’s new liturgical year. According to the Catholic Church’s system of computing, this is Year III or Year C. This is also the First Sunday of Advent and the first Sunday in the month of December. We thank God for guiding and blessing us during the last month. Always be grateful to God and to those who wish you well. On this note, I wish to thank you for following me throughout last year and for reading my posts on Thanks and God bless you. This is the month of special joy because it marks the birth of Jesus, the Christ, the saviour of mankind. It is a month characterized by series of joyful activities to celebrate the nativity of Jesus. The Lord is really good! Once more, welcome to the new liturgical year and to the month of December! Jesus discloses everything about.…
Why be Watchful?
An Igbo adage has it that nkwụcha abughị ụjọ (carefulness does not imply fearfulness). In keeping to the law of cause and effect, we need to understand the reason for Jesus’ invitation to be watchful. The theme of this Sunday reading is a continuation of the initial theme of Matthew 24, which is presented in Luke 21:5–19. As I noted in that reflection, “the content of Luke 21:5–19 is also found in Matthew 24:1–25 and Mark 13:1–23.” Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 are eschatological narrations. Continuing his explanations concerning the end of time, and responding to the disciples’ interrogation “when will these things be” (Matt 24:3), Jesus responded “but of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone” (Matt 24:36). Yes, it is an exclusive knowledge of the Father. Explaining further on why people should not waste their time predicting the end of time, Jesus continues “for as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man…. before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage…” (Matt 24:37–38). While predicting is sign of passiveness, watchfulness is a sign of activeness. To avoid the surprise of the days of Noah, Jesus encourages his disciples and every believer to stay awake because they do not know the day the Lord will come (cf. Matt 24:42).
Conclusion – Standing with confidence
As a conclusion of his admonition, Jesus advised the disciples to “be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to survive all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36). Which things is Jesus referring to? Certainly, Jesus is alluding to everything recorded in Luke 19:28–21:38. It is a long section which ends with Jesus’ warning and call to watchfulness (cf. Luke 21:34–36) and a conclusion (cf. Luke 21:37–38). Christians should be alert, seeking the face of God always so as to be able to escape and survive the events of the eschaton. They should be righteous, just and avoid sin. To be in sin is to be passive in relation to God. It is spiritual carelessness and slumber. Conversely, to be in the state of grace is to be active, alert, watchful, careful and awake. To watch oneself and being awake mean being spiritually prepared and faithfulness (cf. Luke 12:35–48; 1Thess 5:2–4).
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 1st Sunday of Advent © is found in vol. III pages 02–11. Happy reading!
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