

Read­ing Time: < 1 minute
Intro­duc­tion John, in his own style and lan­guage, presents fur­ther guid­ance on how to pre­pare for the cel­eb­ra­tion of the Read more
Intro­duc­tion Dear cher­ished read­er! Wel­come to the new litur­gic­al year! This is the first Sunday in the church’s new litur­gic­al Read more
Intro­duc­tion Dear friends, Wel­come to the last Sunday of the eccle­si­ast­ic­al year. Accord­ing to the eccle­si­ast­ic­al arrange­ment, the litur­gic­al year Read more
Intro­duc­tion As I noted in my reflec­tion last week, the 25th chapter of the Gos­pel accord­ing to Mat­thew con­tains at Read more
Intro­duc­tion As the litur­gic­al year gradu­ally comes to an end, the read­ings also reflect such an end. In the pre­vi­ous Read more
Intro­duc­tion Hav­ing silenced the Phar­isees on the issue of the greatest com­mand­ment, Jesus now con­fron­ted them on one issue. With Read more
Intro­duc­tion In this Sunday Gos­pel read­ing, the Jew­ish author­it­ies con­tin­ue to look for a way to trap Jesus in his Read more
Intro­duc­tion Are God and the gov­ern­ment in oppos­i­tion? The Jew­ish author­it­ies were determ­ined to elim­in­ate Jesus. Since their oth­er attempts Read more
Intro­duc­tion After the par­able in Mat­thew 21:33–43, the chief priests and the scribes real­ized Jesus was refer­ring to them. Their Read more
Intro­duc­tion   In the last Sunday Gos­pel (Matt 21:28–32), Jesus reminded the reli­gious lead­ers (priests and eld­ers) that those they Read more
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