

Read­ing Time: < 1 minute
Intro­duc­tion    The chief priests and the eld­ers of the people were the worst oppon­ents of Jesus and, there­fore, of Read more
Intro­duc­tion    With par­ables based on con­crete and every­day life, Jesus con­tin­ues to por­tray the true image of the king­dom Read more
Intro­duc­tion This Sunday’s Gos­pel (18:21–35) is a fol­low-up to that of last Sunday (Matt 18:15–20). The theme of con­flict can­not Read more
Intro­duc­tion Beloved read­er, wel­come to a new week! I hope you are gradu­ally identi­fy­ing your obstacles. It is good that Read more
Intro­duc­tion   In the Gos­pel of last Sunday (Matt 16:13–20), Jesus’ iden­tity (as the anoin­ted One of God – Chris­tos) Read more
Intro­duc­tion This Sunday Gos­pel read­ing presents before us a very vital theme: iden­tity. There are vari­ous and var­ied defin­i­tions of Read more
Intro­duc­tion    Jesus is gradu­ally mani­fest­ing the uni­ver­sal­ism of sal­va­tion. After silen­cing and expos­ing the hypo­crisy of the Phar­isees and Read more
Intro­duc­tion After feed­ing the crowd spir­itu­ally and mater­i­ally (cf. Matt 14:13–21), Jesus dis­missed them after ask­ing the twelve dis­ciples to Read more
Intro­duc­tion    This Sunday is the 18th Sunday (A) of the Church’s litur­gic­al cal­en­dar. Since August 6, 2023, which hap­pens Read more
The par­able of the hid­den treas­ure By defin­i­tion, a treas­ure should be any­thing and/or any per­son you so much value Read more
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