Jesus is gradually manifesting the universalism of salvation. After silencing and exposing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the Scribes (cf. Matt 15:1–9) and after clarifying to his disciples the things that make a person unclean (cf. Matt 15:10–20), he leaves the Jewish territory for the Gentile region, Tyre and Sidon – the two main cities of Phoenicia. The request of the Canaanite woman is an extension of God’s salvation to the entirety of humanity (cf. Gen 12:3). Such salvation is not the monopoly of any nation. That Jesus initially ignored the woman and refused to say even a word to her should not be a scandal. Rather, it should be seen as a didactic tactic. Again, the disciples, though slowly, are progressively learning from Jesus. After the incident in Matthew 14:15–17, they cannot repeat such a mistake again. Hence, they implored Jesus to listen to the woman who cried after them.
Success comes through failure
According to a Chinese proverb, “failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.” Again, I agree with Nelson Mandela when he said, “do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Some people are afraid of failure and, therefore, of falling, hence, they do not attempt. On the other hand, others give up at the slightest setback. These people are not aware that failure is success sealed. Success is the other side of the coin. If in Matthew chapter 10 the disciples were asked to limit their mission to the lost sheep of Israel, with the episode of this Sunday Gospel (Matt 15:21–28), Jesus indicates to the disciples and to every believer that it is he who is to inaugurate the mission to the Gentiles. Take a closer look at the conversation between Jesus and the Canaanite woman. At her request, Jesus ignored her and pretended he had never heard her. As if this were not enough, he ironically told her that he was not allowed to minister to her. Finally, he summarized his presumed indifference to the woman with a provocation, making a distinction between the woman/Gentiles (dogs) and the Israelites (children). But in all, the woman did not give up; she continued to persevere. Today, Christians engage in religious prostitution because they think God is delaying exhausting their request. Too bad!
Dear reader, Perseverance is persistent determination. It is persistence in anything undertaken. It is also a refusal to stop. Theologically, perseverance is continuance in a state of grace until it is succeeded by a state of glory. Despite the difficulties and opposition he encountered, Jesus persisted and refused to stop until the mission entrusted to him by God was fulfilled. Regardless of the seemingly provocative insult, the Canaanite woman refused to stop pleading for help. She persisted until Jesus heard her request. In like manner, failure should not frighten us. Failure is the road to success, except when such failure is the fruit of sin and injustice. Always be guided by this motto: “Good, better, best, let us never rest, till our good, better, and our better best.” Permanence, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and apparent impossibilities are the things that distinguish the strong soul from the weak soul. If you are afraid of failure, you can never achieve this. The idea of seeking breakthroughs and getting something out of nothing is a sign of greed and can lead to stealing. Ask God to grant you the gift of perseverance. God bless you, and please, join me again next week. May God bless your sincere effort. Amen! Shalom!
SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 20th Sunday of the year (A) is found in The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 409–414. Happy reading!
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