With the Christmas and New Year festivities over, the liturgy returns to the Ordinary Time of the year, with this Sunday, being the second Sunday in year C. The Sunday readings will be taken from the Gospel according to Luke. Occasionally, the Sunday readings will be taken from the Gospel according to John. This Second Sunday which describes the genesis of the mission of Jesus, is an example of such occasional deviation. The language, style, content and theology of the Gospel according to John is quite different from that according to Mark, Matthew and Luke. John encloses his message and theology in what he calls signs. Besides 2:1–11, the following are other signs contained in John: the healing of the nobleman’s son in 4:46–54; the healing of the lame man in 5:1–15; the feeding of the multitude in 6:1–15; the healing of the man born blind in 9:1–41; and the raising of Lazarus in 11:1–57. When in John 2:11, we read that this was the first of Jesus’ signs, the author is alluding to these other signs and the resurrection, which is the greatest of all signs.
My hour has not come
“Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). This was Jesus’ reply to his mother’s request that the couples had no wine. The Gospel according to John is structured in two parts or books: the book of signs (chapters 1–11) and the book hour (chapters 12–21). In John 12:27–28, Jesus underlines that although his soul is troubled, but he cannot ask the Father to save him from this hour, for it is for this hour that he was sent. As Jesus taught in the Temple after the Jewish feast of Shelters, and as the Jews.…..
At a simple request to save the newly married couple from embarrassment, Jesus provided vast quantities of wine, six jars holding thirty gallons. Each of these gallons was filled to overflowing with choice of wine. This lavish response to a simple human need is a vision and an indication of the abundance of God’s, love, care blessing and kingdom. It is a challenge to us today, to respond generously and promptly too when confronted with human need. We respond as best we can, fully confident that God can transform our efforts, bringing the Kingdom of God to fulfilment among us. God’s love really overflows in our lives.
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 2nd Sunday of the year © is found in vol. III pages 78–85. Happy reading!
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