The feast of Christmas is just at the corner. This Sunday Gospel reading underlines the joy that will accompany the memorial of the birth of the Messiah. Mary’s visit to Elizabeth is an indication that God maintains his promises. The mother of the Messiah, with the Immanu’el (God with us) in her womb, visits the mother of the forerunner of the Messiah, with the forerunner still in her womb. We can imagine the joy of the meeting of the mothers of these two great personalities. The two mothers have all received favour from God. Mary has been favoured and particularly chosen and prepared by God through the Holy Spirit. On the hand, Elizabeth has also been favoured by God by breaking the yoke of her infertility. Both have serious cause to be grateful to God. Jesus, the peace of the Lord himself, will gather together the children of God who have been scattered and shattered by sin (cf. First Reading). Jesus has come to do the will of God. Jesus is God’s response to (cf. Second Reading).
Mary visits Elizabeth
“In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth” (Luke 1:39–40). Why did Mary visit Elizabeth? The reason is found in the encounter of Mary and the Angel Gabriel. Luke reports that the Angel of the Lord visited Mary at Nazareth, a town in Galilee. The motive of the visit was to inform the lad that the Lord has found favour in her. She was to conceive through the power of the Holy Spirit and will bear a child who will be called Yeshua. When Mary wondered how this could work out since she is not yet married, the Angel assured her that God has taken care of everything. More so, to assure her that God works in ways beyond human expectation, the Angel informed Mary that even her cousin Elizabeth, who was said to be barren has conceived and is in her sixth month of pregnancy. After these words, Mary pronounced the Fiat – Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let be done to me according to your word (cf. Luke 1:38). It was after this surrendering to the divine decision that Mary took off to see Elizabeth who according to the Angel, has conceived and is in her sixth month.
This is the Last Sunday before Christmas, the memorial of the birth of Jesus, the saviour. Christmas is a season and an opportunity to reflect on the values, which we have relegated to the background. While people have transformed Christmas into a period of waste, unjust profit, acquisition, death, buying and selling, wealth accumulation, hiking of price of goods, cheating, the Gospel keeps reminding us of the essential and essence of Christmas. Certainly, the memorial of the birth of the saviour calls for jubilation and merriment, but we should not forget that such jubilation and feasting should follow our having fully understood the true significance of Christmas. Our jubilation, celebration, visits, dressings, eating and drinking must have theological significance, else, they remain mere and empty celebrations.
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent © is found in vol. III pages 34–41. Happy reading!
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