

Read­ing Time: 3 minutes Intro­duc­tion In the past two Sundays, we reflec­ted on com­mu­nion and fear­less­ness as the fruits of resur­rec­tion. This Third Sunday presents anoth­er fruit – repent­ance. Of what use is the cel­eb­ra­tion of Jesus’ resur­rec­tion when and if a per­son can­not repent of his or her ungodly beha­viours, oth­er­wise known as sin? At the end of their dis­cus­sion to the men of Judea and all who live in Jer­u­s­alem (cf. Acts 2:14–35), the apostles said to them, “there­fore, let the entire house of Israel know with…

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Read­ing Time: 3 minutes  Intro­duc­tion  For oth­ers, the Paschal feast is over, but not for the Cath­ol­ic Church. Litur­gic­ally, the Cath­ol­ic Church is still in the Paschal peri­od. The Sunday read­ings con­tin­ue to present to us the fol­low-up of Jesus’ resur­rec­tion. After the bold­ness of the apostles, Luke presents the meet­ing of Jesus with two dis­ap­poin­ted dis­ciples who were going back to their town, Emmaus. Last week, we under­lined com­mu­nion as the first fruit of the resur­rec­tion. Because they devoted them­selves to the teach­ings of the apostles; to koinōnia…

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Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion Once more, happy feast of the resur­rec­tion of Jesus! I hope you are still enjoy­ing the bless­ings and grace of the resur­rec­tion. It is the Lord’s mak­ing. It is mar­velous in our eyes. I am sure the Jews regret­ted their action. If they knew what would have been the out­come of their plot to kill Jesus, I sup­pose they would have thought twice. In his second volume, Luke provides us with a detailed account of the mis­sion­ary cum pas­tor­al activ­it­ies of the apostles after…

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Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion Is the resur­rec­tion of Jesus fact or fantasy? in fact, “many the­or­ies have been advanced, attempt­ing to show that the resur­rec­tion of Jesus was a fraud. I believe that many of the people who came up with these the­or­ies must have had two brains – one lost, and the oth­er one out look­ing for it. His­tor­i­ans have to become anti-his­t­or­ic­al to invent some of their ideas.” It is very wrong for sci­ence to invest­ig­ate the resur­rec­tion of Jesus, with the sole scope of disputing…

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Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion This Sunday Gos­pel is a present­a­tion of what Jesus suffered because he pre­ferred to be just, faith­ful, com­mit­ted and ded­ic­ated to his mis­sion. The length of the read­ing sig­ni­fies his agony. Hav­ing explained to the dis­ciples the cri­terion for behold­ing the pres­ence of God (Matt 25:31–46), and two days before the Jew­ish Pas­sov­er, Jesus revealed to his dis­ciples his fate once he enters Jer­u­s­alem. The Son of Man will be handed over to be cru­ci­fied. This is God’s plan of sal­va­tion for human­ity being…

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