

Read­ing Time: 3 minutes



In the past two Sundays, we reflec­ted on com­mu­nion and fear­less­ness as the fruits of resur­rec­tion. This Third Sunday presents anoth­er fruit – repent­ance. Of what use is the cel­eb­ra­tion of Jesus’ resur­rec­tion when and if a per­son can­not repent of his or her ungodly beha­viours, oth­er­wise known as sin? At the end of their dis­cus­sion to the men of Judea and all who live in Jer­u­s­alem (cf. Acts 2:14–35), the apostles said to them, “there­fore, let the entire house of Israel know with cer­tainty that God has made him both Lord and Mes­si­ah, this Jesus whom you cru­ci­fied” (Acts 2:36). On hear­ing these touch­ing words, Luke says they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and to the oth­er apostles, “broth­ers, what should we do?” (Acts 2:37). Imme­di­ately, Peter retor­ted “repent, and be bap­tized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be for­giv­en; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spir­it” (Acts 2:38). At the end of his address, Luke spe­cifies that about three thou­sand people were added to the num­ber of believ­ers. This means that the pro­clam­a­tion in the name of Jesus pro­duced three thou­sand repent­ant souls. Has the resur­rec­tion of Jesus effected any change in us? Unless a sin­ner repents, he or she can­not come to the good shepherd.

I am the gate…

So again Jesus said to them, Amen Amen, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep (John 10:7). See­ing their inab­il­ity to under­stand the meta­phor of sheep, sheep­fold, gate­keep­er, stranger, enter­ing through the door and jump­ing into the sheep­fold, Jesus expli­citly told the Phar­isees that he was refer­ring to him­self. He is the door or the gate to the sheep and who­ever desires to vis­it the sheep must pass through him, and who­ever passes through anoth­er aven­ue is a thief (Greek: kleptēs) and a rob­ber (Greek: lēstēs). What is the dif­fer­ence between thief and rob­ber as used in this con­text? Judging from the con­text, we can con­clude that while thief refers to the idea of not passing through the door to the sheep­fold, rob­ber refers to the idea of steal­ing espe­cially, the idea of using viol­ence to take what does not belong to a per­son. There­fore, while a thief is one who forces him­self or her­self into another’s place, what he or she does when he or she enters is rob­bery. That is, tak­ing by force anoth­er person’s prop­erty. This is why Jesus says who­ever “does not enter the sheep­fold by the gate but climbs in by anoth­er way is a thief and a robber/bandit” (Joh 10:1). This is fur­ther explained by Jesus’ words “the thief comes only to steal and kill and des­troy” (Joh 10:10a).


The only reas­on for Jesus’ com­ing is for the sheep to have life, and have it abund­antly (John 10:10b). Abund­ant life means tak­ing away misery, sor­row, and every neg­at­iv­ity. Abund­ant life is giv­ing people joy, pro­gress, good health, under­stand­ing, har­mony, fear of God and fel­low­ship with one anoth­er. Com­mu­nion and the bold­ness to pro­claim the Gos­pel and bear wit­ness to the resur­rec­ted Christ can­not be achieved without repent­ance. The inab­il­ity to repent could be par­alleled to being a thief and steal­ing. Jesus is the only true gate that leads to the sheep. And we must strive to enter by this gate. Enter­ing through this gate means embra­cing Jesus the only good shep­herd. The refus­al to do so is to fall prey to the false proph­ets who come to steal and des­troy. This is the month of May. May God save you from the ungodly and lead you to the true gate. May God bless and pro­tect you as he has always done even dur­ing this month of May. Sha­lom!                   

SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflec­tion for the 4th Sunday of Pascha is found in
The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 249–254. Happy reading!

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