

Read­ing Time: 5 minutes

Par­ents can com­fort­ably pro­nounce woes on their dis­obedi­ent child or chil­dren. Teach­ers can pro­nounce woes on a pupil who refuses to listen to instruc­tions. A super­i­or can call the atten­tion of a his or her sub­ject who ignores sin­cere and object­ive dir­ect­ives. Cit­izens can pro­nounce woes on their lead­ers who instead of bet­ter­ing their lives with the resources of the nation, State, loc­al gov­ern­ment, insti­tu­tions, have decided to enrich them­selves, sub­ject­ing the popu­lace to per­petu­al suf­fer­ing. In these and oth­er instances, curses are not placed on any­body. Both par­ents, teach­ers, super­i­ors, indi­vidu­als, cit­izens have just expressed their sor­row on the danger and agony to which the dis­obedi­ent child/children, pupil and irre­spons­ible lead­ers will even­tu­ally cause them­selves. Woe to you simply means I pity you. I pity you because you do not know the danger you are expos­ing your­self to with your arrog­ance, lies, decep­tions, obstin­acy, ungod­li­ness, irre­spons­ible and care­less comportment.

Some­times, the woe is doubled or even tripled (cf. Rev 8:13; 18:10.16.19). In such instances, it stands for emphas­is and under­lines the grav­ity of the situ­ation being denounced. In the Book of Rev­el­a­tion, such doub­ling and trip­ling indic­ate the woes will cer­tainly fall migh­tily on those it is pro­nounced. Who knows how many woes Jesus is pro­noun­cing on the world, on Niger­ia and on us for our dis­obedi­ence, lies, irre­spons­ib­il­ity, cor­rup­tion, cheat­ing, wicked­ness, non­chal­ance, god­less­ness, hatred, and lack of love? Lord, save us for we are your chil­dren. Do not aban­don us else, we per­ish. Amen! Sha­lom!

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