

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes



Last week was very import­ant for Chris­ti­ans because it offered them the oppor­tun­ity to pre­pare adequately, for the com­mem­or­a­tion of the gift of the Holy Spir­it on the Apostles, on all believ­ers and what gen­er­ally, is termed the offi­cial birth of the Church. I will con­cen­trate my reflec­tion solely on Acts of the Apostles chapter two. The Paschal peri­od con­cludes with the today’s cel­eb­ra­tion – the des­cent of the Holy Spirit.

Clarification of Term and Idea

Gen­er­ally, Chris­ti­ans refer to this Sunday as the “Pente­cost” Sunday. Even the Sunday Missal and oth­er Litur­gic­al Books bear the same cap­tion. Pente­cost due to the Greek term used by Eng­lish Trans­la­tions to render the Hebrew; secondly, prob­ably because they think the term Pente­cost either means Holy Spir­it or is a syn­onym for the Holy Spir­it; and thirdly, because it was on this day that the apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit.…

The divine empowerment

The read­ings of this Sunday centre on the same theme – the Holy Spir­it. While Luke (First Read­ing) explains the des­cent of the Holy Spir­it on the ‘D‑Day’, John (the Gos­pel) recounts Jesus’ prom­ise to the dis­ciples of the com­ing of the Advoc­ate whom he will send from the Fath­er, and who will explain everything to them in a way they will under­stand. On the oth­er hand, Paul (Second Read­ing) offers an explan­a­tion on the effects of the Holy Spir­it on those it has des­cen­ded. For Paul, those who are guided by the Holy Spir­it will nev­er yield.….


In the con­text of the feast of the des­cent of the Holy Spir­it, this read­ing reminds us about the integ­ral con­nec­tion between the gifts of peace and for­give­ness and the action of the Holy Spir­it. Jesus greets his dis­ciples with the gift of peace. He then com­mis­sions them to con­tin­ue the work that he has begun, “as the Fath­er has sent me, so I send you.” As Jesus breathed the Holy Spir­it upon them, he sends his dis­ciples to con­tin­ue his work of recon­cili­ation through the for­give­ness of sins, guided by the Holy Spirit.

SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflec­tion for the Des­cent of the Holy Spir­it is found in
The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 289–303; vol. II, pages 229–231; and vol. III, pages 290–295. Happy reading!

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