

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes



Hav­ing suc­cess­fully con­cluded his retreat, Jesus offi­cially begins his mis­sion. As soon as he came down from the wil­der­ness, and with the with­draw­al of John the Baptist, Jesus trans­ferred to Caper­naum, by the lake, in the region of Zebu­lum and Neph­tali, where he began his mis­sion with the fol­low­ing words: “Repent, for the king­dom of heav­en has come near” (Matt 4:17). “In the Gos­pel accord­ing to Mark (1:15), we also read that as soon as John the Baptist was arres­ted, Jesus went into Galilee and there pro­claimed the Gos­pel, say­ing: “The time is com­pleted, and the king­dom of God has come, repent and believe the Gos­pel.” This is a sum­mary of how Jesus began his pro­clam­a­tion of the mes­sage of sal­va­tion. And all his teach­ings and actions revolve around this king­dom of heav­en, which has drawn near.

Moses and Elijah

Imme­di­ately after Jesus meta­morph­osed, Moses and Eli­jah appeared on the scene. But why these two? The most likely explan­a­tion is that Moses the law­giver appears as the rep­res­ent­at­ive of the old cov­en­ant and the prom­ise of sal­va­tion, which was to be ful­filled in the pas­sion, death, and resur­rec­tion of Jesus. On the oth­er hand, Eli­jah appears as the proph­et of the eschat­on – the end times (cf. Mal 4:5–6; Mark 9:11–13). Accord­ing to Matthew’s account, which dif­fers from Mark and Luke, the meta­morph­osed Jesus rep­res­ents the new Moses, who meets God on the new Sinai, in the cloud (Matt 17:5. Cf. Exod 24:15–18), with a lumin­ous face (Matt 17:2. Cf. Exod 34:29–35; 2Cor 3:7–4:6), assisted by the two import­ant per­son­al­it­ies of the Hebrew (Old) Test­a­ment, who had already bene­fit­ted from the divine rev­el­a­tion on the Sinai (cf. Exod 19; 33–34; 1kgs 19:9–13), and rep­res­ent the law and proph­ets, which Jesus has come to bring to ful­fil­ment (cf. Matt 5:17).


Jesus has taken office from Moses and Eli­jah. He is now in charge of every law, proph­et, and proph­ecy, and even of every life. Def­in­itely, he did and he is still doing all things well. He is not like many politi­cians and reli­gious lead­ers, who buy their way to the offices just to work only for their selfish interests. In Jesus’ ten­ure, there was no iota of cor­rup­tion. Do not ask me about many of our politi­cians and reli­gious lead­ers. Because I am sure you know them bet­ter than I do. As indic­ated above, Luke under­lines that Jesus went to the moun­tain to pray. And that his trans­form­a­tion took place while he was pray­ing. Do not for­get the import­ance of pray­er in your life. But remem­ber, God answers only the pray­er of a just per­son. Do not pray when you should work, and do not work when you should pray. The prin­ciples of time and sea­son for everything (cf. Eccl 3:1) should be respected.

SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflec­tion for the Second Sunday of Lent is found in
The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 150–163. Happy reading!

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