Last Sunday Gospel reading ended with the discerning of disciples and the cost of discipleship (cf. Luke 9:57–62). In this Sunday reading, Jesus makes seventy-two of his disciples experience the pros and cons of discipleship and of proclaiming the Gospel. Though not indicated, but these seventy-two disciples must have understood better Jesus’ words that “foxes have dens and the birds in the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (Luke 9:58). They must have also learnt that the proclamation of the Good News has absolute precedence over every other and over every personal interest and family tie.
The sending in twos
“The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go” (Luke 10:1). Luke notes that these seventy-two disciples were sent out two-by-two. In the Gospel according to Mark (cf. 6:7–13), the author records that those that were sent out in twos were the Twelve disciples. This should not surprise us because Mark and Luke developed their theology differently. Beside the Twelve apostles, Luke deemed it necessary to send out other disciples in pairs, something not necessary for the Twelve who had no need for any witness, having been with Jesus. The sending out in pairs is probably to bolster credibility by having the testimony of more than one witness as stipulated by the law (cf. Deut 17:6; 19:15). Another reason for this travelling in twos is probably because it was safer to travel in the company of another, than travelling alone. Disciples should keep themselves company as they proclaim the Gospel.
Dear reader, to the disciples, Jesus assured that nothing shall ever hurt them. This is so long as they remain faithful and keep to the instructions. If, however, they decide to do things their own way, then, they should be ready to bear the consequences. When the disciples returned from their mission, they rejoiced because their mission was successful. Demons were under their power because of Jesus’ name. When Jesus sent them, he told them he was sensing them out as lambs among wolves. But he also assures them that they have been given power over the enemy and nothing will harm them, not even serpents and scorpions. The theme of this Sunday and last Sunday is discipleship, its challenges, difficulties and its benefits. Ensure you participate in the mission of announcing the kingdom of God to all people. You do not need to be an ordained minister to do this. Being a child of God and being baptized empowers you to spread the Gospel even as a married person or as a youth. Your vocation is not a hindrance to spreading the message of life. By being honest and just in your place of work, in your office, in your shop, and in your family, you are seriously spreading the Gospel and announcing the kingdom of God.
SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 14th Sunday is found in The Word of Life, vol. III, pages 358–369. Happy reading!
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