

Read­ing Time: 9 minutes

There is anoth­er thing we need to take ser­i­ous. Jesus says we should not worry ourselves about tomor­row for tomor­row will take care of itself. We need wis­dom to grasp the true mean­ing of this say­ing. Do not just relax and say Jesus said. Make sure you plan your life and your tomor­row very well. Accord­ing to Jesus, each day has enough trouble of its own. What an amaz­ing obser­va­tion! If today’s trouble is enough for today, then tell me why you should add that of tomor­row. Do you want your head to explode? Face today’s trouble and leave that of tomor­row, for tomor­row, you will see to it. Instead of wor­ry­ing and com­prom­ising your tran­quil­lity, resort to pray­er (cf. Phil 4:6) for enlight­en­ment on how best to resolve the situ­ation. Worry or anxi­ety is not a solu­tion to any situ­ation (cf. Luke 12:25). Again, anxi­ety or worry shows lack of trust in God who has prom­ised to take care of his cre­ation includ­ing you (cf. Rom 8:32). But you must make the right choice first (cf. Matt 6:33). If God takes care of the birds who neither plant, har­vest nor store food in the barns (cf. Matt 6:26), the lilies who neither work nor make their cloth­ing (cf. Matt 6:28), and flowers that with­ers, how much more will he not provide all your needs (cf. Matt 6:30) whom he cre­ated in his image and like­ness? Worry is a sign you have made the wrong choice. Avoid this! Spend time in things and with people who bring the best in you, not the stress in you. Are you serving two mas­ters? Chose the one serve and settle the oth­er so that you can be free. The Lord has not aban­doned you and will nev­er (cf. First Read­ing). As God’s trus­ted stew­ard, the good Lord knows how best to take care of you (cf. Second Read­ing). May God deliv­er you from those situ­ations that lead you to anxi­ety and worry. And may he save you from oli­gop­is­tos – little faith. Good luck and best wishes as you march into the month of March. Sha­lom!

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