Today’s First and Second readings underline two facts: ‘Decision (making)’ and ‘Wisdom.’ On the other hand, the Gospel is a pragmatic exposition of our decisions and the application of wisdom or lack of it in our actions and decisions. Since the 4th Sunday, we have been reading and reflecting on one of the major Matthean discourses – the Evangelical discourse, otherwise known as the Sermon on the Mount, delivered on an unspecified mountain. This will continue until the 9th Sunday. Expressing his first contact with the teachings of Jesus on the Mount, Mahatma Ghandi confessed said “The sermon on the Mount went straight to my heart.…” Yes! That is the effect the Sermon on the Mount and every message of the Gospel should have on whoever hears it. It should pierce the heart. And piercing the heart means hearing the word and putting it into practice (cf. Luke 11:27–28).
Unless your righteousness…
In Matthew 5:20, Jesus sternly warned the disciples “unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Now, the question is how is or how was the righteousness of the Scribes and the Pharisees? On various occasions, Jesus confronted the Scribes and the Pharisees and condemned their externalism and advertised spirituality. Though they gloried in outward conformity to biblical and extra-biblical regulations, yet, their hearts were impure and miles away from God (cf. Isa 29:13). They knew how to clean the outside of the cup, forgetting that it is the same person that owns both the outside and the inside (cf. Matt 23:5.23.25–28).
An able leader is supposed to be filled with administrative ḥokmâ (wisdom). Solomon (though he derailed when he decided to please his wives) understood this. Hence, he asked God to grant him wisdom to enable him do well as the King (God’s representative). Philosophy, Theology, Science, Engineering, and every other study disassociated from wisdomology (the art of acquiring divine guidance/wisdom) is like someone affected by partial stroke. Keeping or not keeping the commandment on love of neighbour is our choice. Obeying or disobeying the rules of life is strictly our choice. To be faithful or unfaithful is our decision. Fire or water? You are free to pick the one you prefer. Life or death? It is up to you to take one (cf. First Reading). Whichever choice you make, be ready as well to accept the consequence positive or negative. But remember, you need wisdom to know the difference. And you equally require wisdom to avoid legalistic conformity to societal rules and regulations. As the king of Reggae Music, Robert (Bob) Marley, would put it in one of his tracks (Exodus); “Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you are living?” To this I add: Open your inner eyes, look right inside you, are you satisfied with the decisions you have made so far? Before you decide anything, do not ignore wisdom for some actions once executed, can never be undone no matter how much the person regrets.
SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 6th Sunday of the year is found in The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 98–110. Happy reading!
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