Dear reader, how was your week? I hope you were able to handle the distractions that came your way during the week? Gradually, you will get rid of them all. Do not be afraid to fail as no one has succeeded all the time. Success is the direct offspring of failure. Moreover, the worst failure is the failure to make attempt. Hence, if a person fails and gets up, then, that person is on the way to success. The kingdom of God is the kingdom of justice and love. Prayer without justice is a total waste of time and an offence to the immensity of God. Prayer and justice means
Among the Gospel authors, Luke gives more attention to Jesus’ teachings on prayer. He also mentions Jesus at prayer more than the others. In the early verses of Luke Chapter 11, Luke presents the core of Jesus’ teaching on prayer. It consists of Jesus guideline or teaching on how to pray to his disciples, a parable on the persistent neighbour, and assurances that God hears our prayers.
What is prayer?
The request of the disciples has made it necessary to enquire the true significance of prayer. According to the Catechism of Pius X, Prayer is an elevation of the mind to God to adore Him, to thank Him, and to ask Him for what we need. Prayer could also be private or public. Concerning the things to be asked in prayer, the same Catechism says the chief things we should ask of God are His own glory, our eternal salvation and the means of obtaining it. On the question whether we should ask God for temporal goods, the same Catechism answers yes, it is lawful to ask God for temporal goods, but always with the condition that these be in conformity with His Holy will and not a hindrance to our salvation. On the conditions to make our prayers efficacious, the Catechism responds that the first and best disposition to render our prayers efficacious is to be in the state of grace; or if we are not in that state, to desire to put ourselves in it. Furthermore, to pray well, we need recollection, humility, confidence, perseverance and resignation. For the Catechism of the Catholic Church, humility should be the foundation of prayer (cf. CCC n. 2559). Prayer is both a covenant and a communion (cf. CCC nn. 2562–2565).
Prayer is not a formal activity. While we pray to understand, we should also understand what prayer is and pray accordingly. Prayer does not consist in series of requests presented to God. According to Jesus’ teaching, prayer consists in recognizing God’s holiness and His rule over creation. I wish you fulfilment and spiritual satisfaction as you interact with God concerning your life and daily needs. God is already doing marvellous things in our lives. Be just and righteous always (cf. Jas 5:16). As you enjoy the last days of the month of July, I wish you God’s abundant blessings. Be just and righteous and God will definitely take care of you. May God answer your prayers this week and always. Ask with faith, seek with certainty, and knock with steadfastness. You are a child of God and I am sure God will never abandon you. Enjoy your week and smile because God loves you. If you have died and risen with Jesus, then, you should be free to call on him (cf. Second Reading). Be anaideia in your prayers. As you pray to God to give you each day your daily bread, make sure you are working hard to procure your daily bread. As you do this, God will surely bless your sincere effort. May the Lord provide you your daily bread this week and always. Ciao! Shalom!
SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 17th Sunday is found in The Word of Life, vol. III, pages 396–419. Happy reading!
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