
Category Archives: Politics


Read­ing Time: 6 minutes As I was glan­cing through my Face­book page this after­noon, I came across this post by face2faceafrica.com “Whites-Only town in SA is a Sign of Con­tin­ued White Suprem­acy.” The town in ques­tion is Ora­nia. Ora­nia is loc­ated along the Orange River in the dry Karoo region of North­ern Cape Province. Accord­ing to face2faceafrica.com, this town has been the sub­ject of many dis­courses, both in Africa and abroad, par­tic­u­larly because of its appar­ent racial bias. Ora­nia, a Whites-only town, was estab­lished in 1994 by Carel Boshoff III,…

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