

Read­ing Time: 3 minutes



The cel­eb­ra­tion of the des­cent of the Holy Spir­it last Sunday marked the end of the Paschal peri­od. There­fore, it is very logic­al that on this Sunday of the Most Holy Trin­ity, Chris­ti­ans be reminded, advised and encour­aged to live in peace and love one anoth­er. With and through his resur­rec­tion, Jesus breaks every yoke and every racial-geo­graph­ic­al bar­ri­er (cf. Matt 15:24). The feast of the Holy Trin­ity is not an occa­sion to indulge in aca­dem­ic and abstract dis­cus­sions on trin­it­o­logy and the essence of the trin­ity. On the con­trary, it is an oppor­tun­ity for Chris­ti­ans to reflect on the com­mu­nion between God the Fath­er, God the Son, and God the Holy Spir­it. Such fel­low­ship should also reflect in our inter­ac­tions with one another.

The Trinity in the Hebrew (Old) Testament

Is there any sign or men­tion of the trin­ity in the Hebrew (Old) Cov­en­ant? There is no absurdity involved when it is con­ten­ded that plur­al­ity can (and does) coex­ist with unity.  For instance, the bond of mar­it­al uni­on – Adam and Eve becom­ing one flesh, 1+1=1 (Gen 2:24). Begin­ning from Gen­es­is 1:1, Elo­him is a plur­al noun used with sin­gu­lar verbs. This plur­al­ity even shows up in the Eng­lish trans­la­tions in the fol­low­ing pas­sages: Gen­es­is 1:26; 3:22; and 11:7 (cf. also Eccle­si­ast­es 12: and Isa 54:5 with source texts also in the plur­al). Again, in the fam­ous vis­ion of the throne of God in Isai­ah 6, we have the scene in the holy place of the holy ones, cel­eb­rated by the ser­aph­im with veiled faces before them chant­ing Holy, Holy, Holy. The same triple declar­a­tion of Holy is also found in Rev­el­a­tion 4:8. Fur­ther­more, in Isai­ah 6:8 we also find this plur­al “Who shall go for us?”


The cel­eb­ra­tion of the Most Holy Trin­ity is an oppor­tun­ity for ret­ro­spec­tion. Jesus prayed that the dis­ciples be one just as God the Fath­er, God the Son, and God the Holy Spir­it are one. Chris­ti­ans have no option but to imit­ate and abide by this Trin­it­ari­an unity. The First read­ing presents stiff-necked Israel­ites who refused to harken to the voice of the Trin­ity to be faith­ful and obed­i­ent. In the Second read­ing, Paul exhorts con­tem­por­ary Chris­ti­ans to imit­ate unity between the three-per­sons-in-One-God. The only way to achieve such unity is to be per­fect and to assist one anoth­er. The Gos­pel itself is a glor­i­ous chant of the sav­ing activ­ity of the Trin­ity. God the Fath­er who did not hes­it­ate in send­ing his Son for the sal­va­tion of man­kind; and the Son who prom­ised his dis­ciples the gift of the Holy Spir­it to be sent by the Fath­er; and the Holy Spir­it who has con­tin­ued to com­fort, guide, illu­mine and dir­ect the chil­dren of God. John was not mis­taken when he says any­one who accepts the testi­mony of the One sent by God “has cer­ti­fied that God is true. He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he gives the Spir­it without meas­ure” (John 3:33–34). In fact, “the Fath­er loves the Son and has placed all things in his hands. And no one can enter the king­dom of God unless he or she is born of water and the Holy Spir­it” (John 3:35.5). 

SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflec­tion for the Most Holy Trin­ity Sunday is found in
The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 304–318. Happy reading!

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