Having constituted his group of Twelve disciples, Jesus now moves with them to every place he goes. Jesus goes about teaching. Teaching which consists mainly in announcing the salvation and the kingdom of God is in fact, the mission of Jesus (cf. Mark 1:38). If the Jewish authority thought arresting John would have halted the spreading of the Gospel, they were mistaken. On the contrary, the arrest of John triggered a more intense and unified proclamation of the Gospel. As soon as Jesus made his ingress into Capernaum, Mark says on the Sabbath, straightaway, he entered the Synagogue. Straightaway means immediately, at once, right away, without wasting time. It means Jesus went immediately and started teaching which was his only reason for coming to Capernaum – to teach people the right way to God. With the expression Jesus went about doing good, Mark seems to have summarized the various aspects of.….
The power of Jesus’ teaching
At his teaching, the people who assembled in the synagogue for worship were amazed/astonished. Now, to be amazed or astonished is to be filled with an emotional impact of overwhelming surprise. The people were surprised at Jesus’ teaching. That is, they were taken unaware and expressed their sudden feeling of wonder seeing the wisdom that emerged from Jesus. Amazement or astonishment is an expression of surprise. Mark went further and explained the reason for such surprise. Jesus taught the people with authority and not like a Scribe – an expert in the law. As stated above, teaching like an expert in law implies underlining and emphasizing the letters of the law. On the other hand, teaching with authority means going directly to the spirit of the law. As the saying.…
The mystery of teaching
The healing of the man with an unclean spirit is a direct consequence of Jesus’ teaching. The presence of this man in the synagogue has a lot to say about the kind of people that gather in the Churches during worship. People with every kind of spirit – good and bad. The authority of Jesus’ teaching must have threatened this unclean or impure spirit. Hence, the reaction. It is amazing that while people wondered who Jesus is, the impure spirit recognised him as the “Holy One of God” (Greek: ho agios tou theou). As stated above, such was not an honest recognition. Hence, Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit saying “be silent, and come out of him! (Mark 1:25). In other words.….
Like Jesus, Religious leaders must teach people the best way to worship and serve God, how to be faithful, how to please God, how to live a better and godly life, how to grow in spirituality, how to live and interact with others as children of God, and especially, how to make heaven. A society where people are meant that only prayer resolves everything, and where people are meant to believe they are always attacked and persecuted by demons and demon possessed people, is doomed to perish. Such society can hardly progress. Such is a corrupt and unfortunate society. This is where religious.…
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I and II)!! The reflection for the 4th Sunday of the Year (B) is found on vol. II pages 78–87. Happy reading!
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