Having prepared and fortified himself, and having taken possession of the Laws and Prophets, Jesus can now head towards Jerusalem. Generally, there are things we do especially within the realm of worship thinking we are pleasing God, when in reality, we are only executing our personal programs and satisfying our selfish interests. Jesus is gradually approaching Jerusalem, the final destination of his mission. Imagine how disappointed he must have been entering the Temple, the house of God and finding people doing all sort of things except truly worshiping God, which is the only thing that is supposed to be done in the Temple and Churches. On entering the Temple, Jesus found the following:
- Those selling cattle, sheep and pigeons; and
- Money-changers sitting comfortably in their counters attending and waiting for customers.
The Priests, teachers of the law and the elders who.…..
Jesus’ reaction
Jesus’ immediate and spontaneous reaction was to make a whip and drive those miscreants and cheats out of the Temple, including their cattle and sheep, scattering their coins and pushing down their tables. Such action indicates how furious Jesus was. According to Matthew (21:12–13); Luke (19:45–46); and John (2:13–17), Jesus’ action was immediate. That is, once he entered the temple and saw people selling and changing money, he immediately made a whip, drove them out and scattered the money changers’ tables. Mark has a different approach. According to Mark, when Jesus arrived Jerusalem, he immediately entered the temple. Instead of chasing the sellers, buyers and money changers out, Mark says Jesus surveyed the temple and when it was dark, he left and went to Bethany with his Twelve apostles (cf. Mark 11:11). The next day, they reached.…
Desecration of God’s house
What was Jesus’ reason or reasons for doing what he did in the temple? When Jesus drove those who sold doves away and ordered them to take these things away, “do not make my Father’s house a marketplace”, John notes that his disciples immediately remembered the words of the Scripture (Ps 69:9) that “zeal for your house has consumed me” (John 2:17). In the accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke, it was Jesus who said (citing Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11) “my house shall be called the house of prayer.….
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I and II)!! The reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent (B) is found in vol. II pages 131–141. Happy reading!
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