As the Liturgical year gradually comes to an end, the readings also reflect such end. In the previous chapters of the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus used many and different stories to illustrate what the kingdom of God looks like. Matthew chapters 21–23 contain specific references to the kingdom. In those chapters, Jesus reminded the religious leaders (priests and elders) that those they regard as sinners (tax collectors, prostitutes, and others) make it to the kingdom of God, while they themselves do not (Matt 21:28–32); that due to their unfaithfulness, the kingdom of God will be taken away from them and entrusted to those who know its value, and who will take proper care of it (Matt 21:33–43); that they were not qualified for the marriage banquet (Matt 22:1–14); that they should render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God (Matt 22:15–22); that God is not God of the dead but of the leaving (Matt 22:23–33); and.…
The ten virgins
As mentioned above, three remarkable narrations occupy Matthew 25. These eschatological stories follow a marked sequence of thought. In the first story (the ten virgins), we are called upon to look to ourselves, and make sure we are prepared to enter the wedding feast. That is, we are advised to prepare ourselves to enter into the holiest and closest union with our creator.…..
Foolishness and wisdom
Among the ten bridesmaids that went out with their lamps to meet the bridegroom, Matthew specifies that “five of them were foolish, while five were wise” (Matt 25:2). This further specification is very important. The two Greek words mōros and phronimos mean foolish and intelligent. While the opposite of mōros is sophos (wise), the opposite of phronimos is mōros (foolish, stupid) and aphrōn (foolish, senseless). Mōros is a term of reproach. It refers to a foolish and stupid person. That is, someone lacking foresight (cf. Matt 7:26). No wonder the fool says there is no God (cf. Ps 14:1; 53:1). Hence,.…
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPY OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vol. I)!! The reflection for the 32nd Sunday is found on pages 523–532. Happy reading!
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