

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes



As the Litur­gic­al year gradu­ally comes to an end, the read­ings also reflect such end. In the pre­vi­ous chapters of the Gos­pel accord­ing to Mat­thew, Jesus used many and dif­fer­ent stor­ies to illus­trate what the king­dom of God looks like. Mat­thew chapters 21–23 con­tain spe­cif­ic ref­er­ences to the king­dom. In those chapters, Jesus reminded the reli­gious lead­ers (priests and eld­ers) that those they regard as sin­ners (tax col­lect­ors, pros­ti­tutes, and oth­ers) make it to the king­dom of God, while they them­selves do not (Matt 21:28–32); that due to their unfaith­ful­ness, the king­dom of God will be taken away from them and entrus­ted to those who know its value, and who will take prop­er care of it (Matt 21:33–43); that they were not qual­i­fied for the mar­riage ban­quet (Matt 22:1–14); that they should render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God (Matt 22:15–22); that God is not God of the dead but of the leav­ing (Matt 22:23–33); and.…

The ten virgins

As men­tioned above, three remark­able nar­ra­tions occupy Mat­thew 25. These eschat­o­lo­gic­al stor­ies fol­low a marked sequence of thought. In the first story (the ten vir­gins), we are called upon to look to ourselves, and make sure we are pre­pared to enter the wed­ding feast. That is, we are advised to pre­pare ourselves to enter into the holi­est and closest uni­on with our creator.…..

Foolishness and wisdom

Among the ten brides­maids that went out with their lamps to meet the bride­groom, Mat­thew spe­cifies that “five of them were fool­ish, while five were wise” (Matt 25:2). This fur­ther spe­cific­a­tion is very import­ant. The two Greek words mōros and phron­i­m­os mean fool­ish and intel­li­gent. While the oppos­ite of mōros is sophos (wise), the oppos­ite of phron­i­m­os is mōros (fool­ish, stu­pid) and aphrōn (fool­ish, sense­less). Mōros is a term of reproach. It refers to a fool­ish and stu­pid per­son. That is, someone lack­ing foresight (cf. Matt 7:26). No won­der the fool says there is no God (cf. Ps 14:1; 53:1). Hence,.…

FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPY OF THE BOOKTHE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vol. I)!! The reflec­tion for the 32nd Sunday is found on pages 523–532. Happy reading!

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