Between the sending of the apostles on mission (cf. Mark 6:7–13), and their return (cf. Mark 6:30–34), Mark inserts the story of the beheading of John the Baptist by King Herod (cf. Mark 6:14–29). After the apostles went on mission, they proclaimed the Good News and used the authority entrusted unto them by Jesus to instruct, teach and heal the sick, the news went spiral. It became ‘breaking news.’ King Herod heard about it and some wondered if John the baptizer has been raised from the dead. Still, others thought it was Elijah or one of the prophets of old. Of course, King Herod knew it was not John the Baptizer because he remembered vividly how he killed him due to his ego. Often, many who are in authority refuse rescind their decisions because they think it is wrong to go back on their words, even when it is very clear to them that they are wrong. Although king Herod knew.….…
“The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while. For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat” (Mark 6:30–31). After narrating and presenting their report to Jesus, he summoned the Twelve to withdraw and have some rest. Mark did not document what the apostles told Jesus, but it was enough recording the fact that they gave report of their missionary work. The first lesson from this is accountability. Accountability means.…..
Discipleship and accountability
As mentioned above, accountability means giving account of a person’s operations. Accountability refers to the actions toward or involving others that reflect the integrity of the person you want to be. In the Gospel according to Mark (6:30), the Evangelist observes that the “apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught.” In other words, they gave Jesus account of their mission. In the same way, leaders (religious and civil) must always give objective account of their activities to the people for whom they are working. The problem of non-accountability is a serious issue both among civil servants, civil leaders and especially among religious leaders. Accountability breeds responsibility.
Dear reader, this is another week to search for the true shepherd. As the crowd did, get to the destination before Jesus and wait for him, so that once he arrives, he will begin to teach you many things about God, about the kingdom of God, about true worship, about faithfulness, about humility, about the love of others, about accountability, about responsibility, about justice, about righteousness, about love, about discipleship, about commitment, and about reconciliation with God (cf. Second Reading). Accept responsibility for your actions and/or inaction. Be accountable for.…..
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I and II)!! The reflection for the 16th Sunday of the year (B) is found in vol. II pages 309‑3317. Happy reading!
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