

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes



The resur­rec­tion of Jesus Christ is the most sig­ni­fic­ant event in human his­tory.  Chris­tian­ity is based on the resur­rec­tion of Jesus.  Jesus Christ was resur­rec­ted after his cru­ci­fix­ion on the cross.  Every man, woman or child must make a choice as to wheth­er they believe that or not.  If Jesus was just a good mor­al man and did not rise from the dead (as some believe and teach) then he was not the Son of God. As Paul says if Christ has not been raised, then our pro­clam­a­tion of the Gos­pel mes­sage is in vain and your faith is in vain (1Cor 15:14). How­ever, I believe the words of Scrip­ture.  Jesus Christ is the Son of God and today he lives! While we live and die, Christ died and lived.

He is risen

That same hour the two dis­ciples to Emmaus got up and returned to Jer­u­s­alem; and they found the elev­en and their com­pan­ions gathered togeth­er. Say­ing, the Lord is ris­en indeed, and has appeared to Simon. Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the break­ing of the bread (Luke 24:33–35).


For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that every­one who believes in him may not per­ish but may have etern­al life” (John 3:16). To the divine decision to save man­kind by send­ing Jesus the Christ, there must be a cor­res­pond­ing adhe­sion on the part of Man.

Who­ever believes in God by believ­ing in the teach­ings of Jesus will be saved. But atten­tion! This sal­va­tion is not auto­mat­ic. You must work hon­estly and earn­estly for it. Jesus said “who­ever believes.” Jesus is our new cov­en­ant with God (cf. First Read­ing). There­fore, we must strive to keep to the terms and con­di­tions of such cov­en­ant. Like Jesus, we must learn to be com­mit­ted in our faith and sub­missive to the will of God.

SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflec­tion for the Paschal Sunday
© is found in
vol. III pages 216–218. See also vol.
I, pages 132–149. Happy reading!

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