Family bond and mission
Ordinarily, a bond is a connection that fastens things together. In science, it is an electrical force linking atoms. In our context, a bond is a connection based on kinship, marriage or common interest. As a verb, bond means to bring together in a common cause or emotion. Therefore, a family bond is a strong connection between family members. Such connection creates a strong cohesion. Family cohesion has been defined as the emotional bonding that family members have toward one another.[2] Such family bond and cohesion promotes family support and success. In this sense then, family bond or bonding is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their children. It makes parents want to shower their children with love and affection and to protect and care for them. No doubt, parents’ responsiveness (or lack of it) to a child’s signals can affect the infant’s social and cognitive development. There was a strong bond between Mary, Joseph and their child Jesus. And such bond affected positively the life of the child Jesus. Another reason this family is described as holy family. In this family, God was the foundation and the reason the members of this family lived. What is the foundation of many Christian families today? What is the reason for their existence? What is the orientation of their children? Do parents teach their children obedience and fear of God or do they just teach them the love of material things and worldliness? What kind of bond exist between the contemporary parents and their children?
The bond that existed in the holy family is the kind of relationship that should exit in every family. A family where father, mother and children know their respective roles and adhere to it without waiting to be reminded, reprimanded or policed about. The children of this generation have so much abused freedom that they are now victims of uncontrolled freedom. Catholic families should use the occasion of the holy family Sunday to review and reflect on their various families. Make your family the best. Remember, the best family is not necessarily the richest family.
Both parents and children will benefit from spending quality time together. Children will automatically feel special when their parents spend time with them, or even simple everyday errands can make for a great bonding experience. There are several advantages of having tight bond with your family. The first one is that a happy couple or parents can role model a loving, caring and supportive relationship for their children. This will be easier to teach the children how to seek out positive relationships and interact well with others. Again, children will benefit from watching their parents work together to solve problems, handling and support each other. Secondly, children will perform better in all aspects of life, even spiritually. Children who do well even in school are those children who communicate well with their parents. The role of parents in the education and formation of their children can never be substituted by any other person. Parental role should never be delegated.
It is unfortunate that Christians do not know how to educate children. Children are given adult education and are not allowed to behave, speak and act as children. Children are meant to witness some fanatic-religious practices which they are not capable of digesting given their age. What adults should do alone are done in the presence of children. Even in their tender age, children are taught to fight the devil, fast and wake up at mid-nights all in the name of prayer. Practices like these are not healthy for children. As the Book of Ecclesiastes says, there is time for everything. Even in families, husbands and wives fight and abuse one another in the presence of their children. Do such couples really know the psychological and moral harm they are doing to those children? If children are not trained as children, we should not expect to get a better society. Therefore, it is necessary that we reconsider the kind of training we give to children, the things we do or say before them. children are God’s blessings and consolation to parents (cf. First Reading), and therefore, must be properly taken care of.
Once more, happy Christmas and rejoice for God loves you. I wish you God’s blessings in your various families. Many families are not in peace because of selfishness, disobedience, irresponsibility and insensitivity of either the wife, the husband or other members of the family. As we celebrate and enjoy the last Sunday of 2018, we cannot but thank God for his goodness and mercy, and for guiding and blessing us this year. We thank God for showering His blessings on our various families. Make your family the best. And to our Creator we say: Father, help us to live as the holy family, united in respect, love and care. Show us the value of family life. Restore peace, love and harmony to those troubled families. And bring us to the joy and peace of your eternal home. Amen! Happy Christmas and 2019 packed with God’s blessings, good health, godliness, success and happiness. Hold firm to your family bond. Rejoice for God loves you. May God keep watering your life and your family. And may God bless you and your family. Shalom!