Family bond and mission
OrdinÂarÂily, a bond is a conÂnecÂtion that fastens things togethÂer. In sciÂence, it is an elecÂtricÂal force linkÂing atoms. In our conÂtext, a bond is a conÂnecÂtion based on kinÂship, marÂriage or comÂmon interest. As a verb, bond means to bring togethÂer in a comÂmon cause or emoÂtion. ThereÂfore, a famÂily bond is a strong conÂnecÂtion between famÂily memÂbers. Such conÂnecÂtion creÂates a strong coheÂsion. FamÂily coheÂsion has been defined as the emoÂtionÂal bondÂing that famÂily memÂbers have toward one anothÂer.[2] Such famÂily bond and coheÂsion proÂmotes famÂily supÂport and sucÂcess. In this sense then, famÂily bond or bondÂing is the intense attachÂment that develÂops between parÂents and their chilÂdren. It makes parÂents want to shower their chilÂdren with love and affecÂtion and to proÂtect and care for them. No doubt, parÂents’ responsÂiveÂness (or lack of it) to a child’s sigÂnals can affect the infant’s social and cogÂnitÂive develÂopÂment. There was a strong bond between Mary, Joseph and their child Jesus. And such bond affected posÂitÂively the life of the child Jesus. AnothÂer reasÂon this famÂily is described as holy famÂily. In this famÂily, God was the foundÂaÂtion and the reasÂon the memÂbers of this famÂily lived. What is the foundÂaÂtion of many ChrisÂtiÂan famÂilÂies today? What is the reasÂon for their existÂence? What is the oriÂentÂaÂtion of their chilÂdren? Do parÂents teach their chilÂdren obedÂiÂence and fear of God or do they just teach them the love of materÂiÂal things and worldÂliÂness? What kind of bond exist between the conÂtemÂporÂary parÂents and their children?
The bond that exisÂted in the holy famÂily is the kind of relaÂtionÂship that should exit in every famÂily. A famÂily where fathÂer, mothÂer and chilÂdren know their respectÂive roles and adhere to it without waitÂing to be reminded, repÂrimÂanded or policed about. The chilÂdren of this genÂerÂaÂtion have so much abused freeÂdom that they are now vicÂtims of unconÂtrolled freeÂdom. CathÂolÂic famÂilÂies should use the occaÂsion of the holy famÂily Sunday to review and reflect on their variÂous famÂilÂies. Make your famÂily the best. RememÂber, the best famÂily is not necesÂsarÂily the richest family.
Both parÂents and chilÂdren will beneÂfit from spendÂing qualÂity time togethÂer. ChilÂdren will autoÂmatÂicÂally feel speÂcial when their parÂents spend time with them, or even simple everyÂday errands can make for a great bondÂing experÂiÂence. There are sevÂerÂal advantÂages of havÂing tight bond with your famÂily. The first one is that a happy couple or parÂents can role modÂel a lovÂing, caring and supÂportÂive relaÂtionÂship for their chilÂdren. This will be easiÂer to teach the chilÂdren how to seek out posÂitÂive relaÂtionÂships and interÂact well with othÂers. Again, chilÂdren will beneÂfit from watchÂing their parÂents work togethÂer to solve probÂlems, handÂling and supÂport each othÂer. Secondly, chilÂdren will perÂform betÂter in all aspects of life, even spirÂituÂally. ChilÂdren who do well even in school are those chilÂdren who comÂmuÂnicÂate well with their parÂents. The role of parÂents in the eduÂcaÂtion and formÂaÂtion of their chilÂdren can nevÂer be subÂstiÂtuted by any othÂer perÂson. ParÂentÂal role should nevÂer be delegated.
It is unforÂtuÂnate that ChrisÂtiÂans do not know how to eduÂcate chilÂdren. ChilÂdren are givÂen adult eduÂcaÂtion and are not allowed to behave, speak and act as chilÂdren. ChilÂdren are meant to witÂness some fanÂatÂic-reliÂgious pracÂtices which they are not capÂable of digestÂing givÂen their age. What adults should do alone are done in the presÂence of chilÂdren. Even in their tender age, chilÂdren are taught to fight the devÂil, fast and wake up at mid-nights all in the name of prayÂer. PracÂtices like these are not healthy for chilÂdren. As the Book of EccleÂsiÂastÂes says, there is time for everything. Even in famÂilÂies, husÂbands and wives fight and abuse one anothÂer in the presÂence of their chilÂdren. Do such couples really know the psyÂchoÂloÂgicÂal and morÂal harm they are doing to those chilÂdren? If chilÂdren are not trained as chilÂdren, we should not expect to get a betÂter sociÂety. ThereÂfore, it is necesÂsary that we reconÂsider the kind of trainÂing we give to chilÂdren, the things we do or say before them. chilÂdren are God’s blessÂings and conÂsolÂaÂtion to parÂents (cf. First ReadÂing), and thereÂfore, must be propÂerly taken care of.
Once more, happy ChristÂmas and rejoice for God loves you. I wish you God’s blessÂings in your variÂous famÂilÂies. Many famÂilÂies are not in peace because of selfishÂness, disÂobediÂence, irreÂsponsÂibÂilÂity and insensÂitÂivÂity of either the wife, the husÂband or othÂer memÂbers of the famÂily. As we celÂebÂrate and enjoy the last Sunday of 2018, we canÂnot but thank God for his goodÂness and mercy, and for guidÂing and blessÂing us this year. We thank God for showerÂing His blessÂings on our variÂous famÂilÂies. Make your famÂily the best. And to our CreÂatÂor we say: FathÂer, help us to live as the holy famÂily, united in respect, love and care. Show us the value of famÂily life. Restore peace, love and harÂmony to those troubled famÂilÂies. And bring us to the joy and peace of your eternÂal home. Amen! Happy ChristÂmas and 2019 packed with God’s blessÂings, good health, godÂliÂness, sucÂcess and hapÂpiÂness. Hold firm to your famÂily bond. Rejoice for God loves you. May God keep waterÂing your life and your famÂily. And may God bless you and your famÂily. Shalom!