Even the most distracted person must have noticed the alarming rate of selfishness and indifference in our society, precisely on the part of the various civil and religious leaders especially, in Nigeria. After reminding the crowd and the disciples the conditions for following him, Jesus warns that “if anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels” (Mark 8:38). This is similar to Jesus’ words in Luke that “whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before God’s angels. But whoever denies me before others will be denied before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8–9). While in Mark Jesus addressed the crowd and his disciples (cf. Mark 8:34), in Luke, he addressed only his disciples (cf. Luke 12:1).
Greatness and service
“…on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest” (Mark 9:34). When Jesus questioned the disciples about their discussions on the way, they remained mute. Mute because they have been apprehended. Their topic was about politics, power and command. Who will be the greatest? Who will take the post of Jesus after his death? The same fight and argument that go on in many Churches today. Members fighting for positions of power instead of service. Very shameful! The disciples’ argument on who is the greatest, or who will become the next leader after Jesus might have died, indicates their interest. Attention! Such interest has nothing to do with the proclamation of the Gospel. It has
Concerning selfishness and indifference
Dictionaries define indifference as lack of interest, concern or sympathy. It is mediocrity. It is apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions. Indifference, the quest and uncontrolled desire for power, authority, positions of honour, and selfishness have remained major obstacles to mutual living, and source of wars, killings, sufferings, and other evils in the world. Both Civil and religious leaders are guilty of this evil. In various parts of the world, and in an attempt to show superiority, political leaders eliminate one another
The disciples counted on Jesus to take over the world as “King Messiah.” Hence, their debate on the way was about who was most worthy to be Jesus’ chief associate and successor. When Jesus gave the first announcement of his death, Peter objected. He saw Jesus as a messiah but not as a suffering messiah. After the second announcement, the disciples were afraid to ask Jesus what he meant. But they were not afraid to debate and fight over who will take his place. Often, some people waste their time, energy, money and even life on frivolities. The disciples were indifferent because they thought what Jesus said does not concern them. We must avoid indifference because it is a serious sin. Indifference is irresponsibility. Many have died, suffered and is still suffering due to indifference and irresponsibility. Our society is filled with indifference. Governments, politicians, religious leaders (except few), are all indifferent to the feelings of the people. They are godless and harmful (cf. Second Reading). They are after enriching themselves, occasionally showing some camouflaged charity, just to cover their alarming indifference, greed and selfishness. Nigeria is a typical example.
FOR DETAILS, GET YOUR OWN COPIES OF THE BOOK “THE WORD OF LIFE: SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I and II)!! The reflection for the 25th Sunday of the year (B) is found in vol. II pages 413–424. Happy reading!
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