Happy new month and welcome to the month of December, the month of the inauguration of salvation! The general message of the First Sunday of Advent was Jesus’ invitation to his disciples and to all believers to stay awake, to avoid being taken by surprise as in the day of Noah. In the reflection of Last Sunday, I did say that “in the Scriptural understanding, being watchful implies not just mere carefulness and alertness, but being just and righteous. It is equivalent to the Markan call to repent and believe the Good News because the kingdom of God is close at hand (cf. Mark 1:15).” Again, I also insisted that “keeping watch means being vigilant and not allowing yourself to be deceived. And being vigilant means truth and justice….” In this Second Sunday, Jesus gives further condition for being watchful and staying awake – repentance. The themes of truth, justice and repentance are interconnected. Without true repentance, it is practically impossible to be truthful and just. Truth and justice are direct manifestations of a repentant heart.
On Repentance
While sin implies desert and wilderness, repentance alludes to vegetation and being inhabited by the grace of God. The Greek term metanoeō (to repent), implies change of mind. Metanoeō derives from meta (after) and nous (mind, understanding) for the noun and noeō (to perceive, understand) for the verb. However, the Christian (New) Testament usage does not necessarily reflect this etymology. That is, in the Christian Testament, metanoeō does not simply mean to perceive after or afterwards. Nonetheless, its usage is not completely unrelated to the etymology. Probably, it is because a person perceives or understands things better afterwards that he or she is capable of perceiving his or her error. It is such perception or understanding that leads to repentance. Both the verb (metanoeō) and the noun (metanoia) refer to change of mind, repentance, conversion. The Hebrew word šȗb (shuv) means to turn away from sin and return or turn toward God. This was in fact, a major theme of the Hebrew (Old) Testament prophets. Repentance is a change of direction in thought and behaviour. The proclamation of the arrival of the kingdom of God and the conditions for entering therein is the central message of the mission of Jesus.
Repentance denotes a radical turning from sin to a life oriented towards God. In Acts 8:22, Peter admonished Simon the sorcerer “repent of your evil/wickedness.” True repentance is proven by actions and fruitful living (cf. Matt 3:8; Acts 26:20). Paul was worried that he might find some of the Corinthian Christians who have not repented of their former sins (cf. 2Cor 12:21). Same situation is also present today. There is serious unrest concerning Christians who have refused to repent. Those who were burnt with the scorching heat of the sun according to the book of Revelation were those who refused to repent and give glory to God (cf. Rev 16:9). Repentance is the most appropriate and only response to the already present kingdom of God. As noted during the course of this reflection, John the Baptist calls all to repentance because the kingdom of God is near. After proclaiming the arrival of the kingdom, Jesus insists “repent and believe the Gospel” (Mark 1:15). The apostolic proclamation in the Acts of the Apostles exhorts people to repentance as a response to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Such exhortation to repentance is also associated with baptism (cf. Acts 2:38). Salvation is not a birthright (cf. Matt 3:9). Instead, it is the fruit of faith which presupposes repentance and turning back to God.
SUNDAY REFLECTIONS” (vols. I‑II-III)!! The reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent is found in The Word of Life, vol. I, pages 10–20. Happy reading!
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