

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion With the cel­eb­ra­tion of the Ash Wed­nes­day, the Church (Cath­ol­ic Church) begins an import­ant and unique moment in her litur­gic­al cel­eb­ra­tions – the sea­son of Lent. The Len­ten sea­son recalls the bib­lic­al peri­od of forty days and forty nights Jesus spent in the desert in pre­par­a­tion for his mis­sion. Jesus’ forty days and forty nights in the desert recall the forty days and forty nights that Moses spent on the Moun­tain dur­ing his encounter with God, and where he neither ate nor drank for…

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Read­ing Time: 3 minutes What is lep­rosy? The World Health Organ­iz­a­tion (WHO) explains lep­rosy (also known as Hansen’s dis­ease) as a chron­ic infec­tious dis­ease caused by Myco­bac­teri­um lep­rae. The dis­ease mainly affects the skin, the peri­pher­al nerves, mucos­al sur­faces of the upper res­pir­at­ory tract and the eyes. Lep­rosy is known to occur at all ages ran­ging from early infancy to very old age. Lep­rosy is cur­able and early treat­ment averts most dis­ab­il­it­ies. How is this sick­ness trans­mit­ted? The exact mech­an­ism of trans­mis­sion of lep­rosy is not known. At least until…

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Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion Jesus fame spread every­where but he did not sit still as many would. Instead, he ‎con­tin­ued to spread the Gos­pel, for that was his aim, not his own hon­our. If your ‎repu­ta­tion is high, then, you must work harder to keep it up. As indic­ated in last Sunday reflec­tion, “with the expres­sion Jesus went about doing good, Mark seems to have sum­mar­ized the vari­ous aspects of Jesus developed by Mat­thew, Luke and John. Both emphas­ize the king­ship (Mat­thew), human­ity (Luke) and divine son­ship (John)…

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