
Sober House in Lowell, Massachusetts

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Review Answer House

Anthony is ori­gin­ally from Bid­de­ford, ME and atten­ded Bent­ley Uni­ver­sity in Waltham, MA where he gradu­ated in 2011 with a Bachelor’s degree in Fin­ance and a minor in Law. He has worked at Clark Insur­ance since 2011, start­ing in the Port­land, ME HQ before relo­cat­ing to Low­ell in 2015 when Clark pur­chased the James L Cooney Insur­ance Agency. A.J.’s role with­in Clark Insur­ance has him work­ing dir­ectly with busi­ness own­ers through­out the Mer­rimack Val­ley to help mitigate/manage risk, spe­cific­ally in the non-profit, con­struc­tion, and prop­erty man­age­ment industries.

In addi­tion, she has served on the Board of West­ford Against Sub­stance Abuse from 2017 to present. Pamela Hunt­ley, exec­ut­ive dir­ect­or of the Megan House Found­a­tion, cuts the rib­bon in front of Emma’s House, the found­a­tion’s new­est sober liv­ing facil­ity, in Low­ell, Aug. 2, 2023. The home will wel­come nine young women in their jour­ney to recov­ery from sub­stance use dis­order. From left, Jim Fran­chek, Middle­sex Dis­trict Attor­ney Mari­an Ryan, Hunt­ley and state Sen. Ed Kennedy. The Megan House Found­a­tion, Inc fea­tures two Suc­cess Homes which provide trans­ition­al sup­port­ive hous­ing par­tially fun­ded by the Bur­eau of Sub­stance Addic­tion Ser­vices. Res­id­ents par­ti­cip­ate in the devel­op­ment and imple­ment­a­tion of an Indi­vidu­al Ser­vice Plan, set­ting goals to achieve pri­or to trans­ition­ing to inde­pend­ent living.


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In 2011, Steven was elec­ted to the Amer­ic­an Telemedi­cine Asso­ci­ation Col­lege of Fel­lows. In 2012 Shaun and his wife Teri foun­ded RAD Racing, a pro­gram to help youth in Low­ell learn respect, work eth­ic, and mech­an­ic­al skills by build­ing, design­ing, and racing 124 slot cars. All par­ti­cipants must build, design, and race a car com­pletely by them­selves. Shaun gives cred­it to the YMCA, and Boys and Girls Club for passing these skills on to him as a youth and feels that nur­tur­ing young minds in a world of skill and com­pet­it­ive activ­it­ies is greatly missed today.

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Shaun was a mem­ber of the Low­ell YMCA, Great­er Low­ell Boys and Girls Club, and an act­ive mem­ber in area CYO. Ms. Coim­bra has worked with the Megan House Found­a­tion on numer­ous occa­sions host­ing fun­drais­ing events to bring aware­ness to the organ­iz­a­tion in hon­or of her young­er cous­in McK­en­zie. She plans on con­tinu­ing her work on the events team with her new role on the board.

Review Answer House

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In her spare time, Alis­on enjoys being act­ive by run­ning and hik­ing, trav­el­ing, and pho­to­graphy. Most import­antly, she loves to spend qual­ity time with her Hus­band, fam­ily and friends. Zack’s Team believes that recov­ery is pos­sible and has been able to offer treat­ment and sober liv­ing schol­ar­ships to hun­dreds of young adults in the Mer­rimack Val­ley, who would oth­er­wise have no access to treat­ment options.

  1. I atten­ded Cam­bridge Col­lege in 2006 and gradu­ated with a bachelor’s degree in Human Ser­vice in 2010.
  2. Steven has authored many art­icles on telemedi­cine tech­no­logy and the growth and accept­ance of the remote health­care industry.
  3. The chal­lenges I faced were also met with people who saw poten­tial in me and helped me to start my journey.
  4. The board voted unan­im­ously to trans­ition to River­bend at their Septem­ber board meet­ing which also wel­comed three new Dir­ect­ors to the board.
  5. As Com­mer­cial Lender, Alis­on provides per­son­al­ized lend­ing solu­tions to busi­nesses, pro­fes­sion­als, and non-profits through­out the great­er area.

The cen­ter of Com­munity Health & Well­ness provides over 400 pro­grams annu­ally to non-profit organ­iz­a­tions and cor­por­ate cli­ents. Pamela Hunt­ley was named Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or of The Megan House Found­a­tion on July 1, 2019, after serving in the role on an inter­im basis since Janu­ary of the same year. She first became involved with the organ­iz­a­tion by attend­ing their annu­al Gala, a fun­drais­ing event which raises funds to help with the pro­gram and ser­vices provided to the res­id­ents of Megan’s House and Erin’s house. She served on the board of Dir­ect­ors for over two years until accept­ing her cur­rent role. The organ­iz­a­tion began back in 1971 as a home for men who were look­ing for a place to stay on the path of sobri­ety while deal­ing with their alco­hol­ism. LIV RECOVERY is ded­ic­ated to provid­ing a safe, sup­port­ive, drug and alco­hol-free envir­on­ment for women to build a life of sus­tained recovery.

Recently, she was recog­nized as a 2024 Dis­tin­guished Young Pro­fes­sion­al through the Great­er Low­ell Cham­ber of Com­merce. Cath­er­ine brings her pas­sion for help­ing mem­bers and cul­tiv­at­ing rela­tion­ships to the Fin­an­cial Well­ness team with the goal of provid­ing edu­ca­tion­al resources to mem­bers from preschool through adult­hood. We are proud to offer a men’s sober liv­ing home with struc­ture and sta­bil­ity. Mary­Beth was born and raised in Boston and now lives in Haver­hill, MA with her many pets. In her “spare” time, Mary­Beth loves to relax at the beach and watch the Patriots.

I atten­ded Cam­bridge Col­lege in 2006 and gradu­ated with a bachelor’s degree in Human Ser­vice in 2010. In Review Review Answer House 2016, I had my second child and made the decision to stay home while he was young; I am in the pro­cess of receiv­ing my Mas­ters of Social Work with a con­cen­tra­tion in sub­stance use dis­orders. The field of sub­stance use has been a strong pas­sion of mine, as well as work­ing with young women to help them suc­ceed and show them any­thing is pos­sible as people did for me. In addi­tion to help­ing his cus­tom­ers nav­ig­ate their risk man­age­ment pro­grams, A.J. Has taken an act­ive role with­in the com­munity hold­ing board pos­i­tions on Low­ell Rotary, Load­ing Dock Arts, as well as com­mit­tee pos­i­tions on the Mer­rimack Val­ley Food Bank, and volun­teer­ing with a num­ber of loc­al non-profits. He enjoys spend­ing time with his fam­ily, hik­ing and golf in addi­tion to work­ing and volunteering.

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