
Prosper in class along with essay composing aid

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Helping your son or daughter write an essay

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mamata: actu­ally, i did­n’t speak much eng­lish until i went to the us although i made it worse read and write rid of it. There was­n’t a desire to speak eng­lish. Oriya was worth­while lan­guage i knew with­in early lots of years. I atten­ded schools the loc­a­tion medi­um of train­ing was oriya and we learned three oth­er lan­guages: hindi start­ing in 4th grade, eng­lish in 6th, and sanskrit in 8th grade. This four-lan­guage for­mula con­tin­ued pri­or to end of high classroom. In col­lege, eng­lish was the medi­um of teach­ing, but each of the speak­ing out­side the classroom con­tin­ued in oriya. With non-oriya indi­ans, i spoke mostly in hindi. I also picked up a little bengali from neigh­bors because its sound had an incred­ible power.

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