To do and not to do in a joint venture proposal
I’ve been workÂing full time online for a few years now. Recently i disÂcovered just how much i’ve learned. I subÂmitÂted a proÂposÂal to write a press release and some artÂicles to proÂmote an upcomÂing docÂuÂmentÂary on the disÂcovÂery chanÂnel. As it turned out, they needed more research than writÂing. Since half my job is research, i felt comÂfortÂable acceptÂing that part of the job as well. Since i’ve worked for a major seo comÂpany and am always reviewÂing seo serÂvices and softÂware, i also menÂtioned that i could help them with that part of the job.
build the busiÂness case. Why is this proÂject importÂant? What will hapÂpen if they don’t folÂlow through on it? Do some quick research on the interÂnet to see if you can find statÂistÂics or othÂer proof points that build a busiÂness case reinÂforÂcing the importÂance of the effort. For example, if you’re an execÂutÂive coach, incorÂporÂate statÂistÂics from studÂies that show proÂfesÂsionÂals who work with a coach earn more and are proÂmoted faster. Or, if you’re a sleep conÂsultÂant, incorÂporÂate data that shows the health beneÂfits of sleep.
conÂsumer magazines: these typÂicÂally pay the best. These are the types of magazines you might find in a groÂcery store check-out line, conÂveniÂence store, in your buy a research proÂposÂal paper seat pockÂet, or your docÂtors office. Types of conÂsumer mags: mens, womens, speÂcial interest, infÂlight, teens, school/career, travel, health, ethnic/minority, politÂicÂal, enterÂtainÂment, romance, reliÂgious, etc. This is the area most writers try to break into.
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Third, and most importÂantly, you want to make sure that the time you do invest in writÂing a proÂposÂal is going to pay off by bringÂing in a new cliÂent. With that in mind, here are some key eleÂments you’ll want to include in every new busiÂness proÂposÂal in order to increase your close rate.
this is my favorÂite – perÂsistÂence pays! Please don’t be become disÂcourÂaged if you get turned down or don’t hear back from them! These proÂfesÂsionÂal organÂizÂaÂtions get hunÂdreds and hunÂdreds of research proÂposÂal writÂing help for just a few openÂings, so getÂting accepÂted is a matÂter of repeÂtiÂtion and perÂsistÂence. So keep plugÂging away, keep your head up and believe me your opporÂtunÂity will come!
have you heard a 60 second radio comÂmerÂcial recently? The informÂaÂtion is disÂtilled into sound bytes to be effectÂive. Make your 2–3 senÂtence book blurbs into a sound byte. Like a radio comÂmerÂcial where you only have a few seconds to get your mesÂsage across conÂdense your sound byte research proÂposÂal into a second tell and sell.
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It also means that you must try and develÂop as many comÂmitÂments as posÂsible priÂor to pubÂlicÂaÂtion so that you can bump up the size of the press run. You should negoÂtiÂate with book clubs, mass marÂketers, busiÂnesses and organÂizÂaÂtions that you feel can use your book. That is one of the reasÂons why the arc (advance review copy), which we will disÂcuss shortly, is so importÂant. It is the selling tool to accomÂplish these pre-press deals.
lastly, express your eagerÂness by askÂing for the next step. EspeÂcially if your grant has been accepÂted to the next proÂcess, be antiÂcipÂatÂing for any instrucÂtion and most of all, pass all required docÂuÂments on time. This gives them an impresÂsion that they are being priÂorÂitÂized well and that you can be a credÂible receivÂer who will not forÂget to hand them the status reports even after the bucks were givÂen. RememÂber that the grant writÂing proÂcess does not end even after you received the endowÂment. Keep courtÂing the funÂder and make him believe in your advocaÂcies as well.
To do and not to do in a joint venture proposal
I’ve been workÂing full time online for a few years now. Recently i disÂcovered just how much i’ve learned. I subÂmitÂted a proÂposÂal to write a press release and some artÂicles to proÂmote an upcomÂing docÂuÂmentÂary on the disÂcovÂery chanÂnel. As it turned out, they needed more research than writÂing. Since half my job is research, i felt comÂfortÂable acceptÂing that part of the job as well. Since i’ve worked for a major seo comÂpany and am always reviewÂing seo serÂvices and softÂware, i also menÂtioned that i could help them with that part of the job.
build the busiÂness case. Why is this proÂject importÂant? What will hapÂpen if they don’t folÂlow through on it? Do some quick research on the interÂnet to see if you can find statÂistÂics or othÂer proof points that build a busiÂness case reinÂforÂcing the importÂance of the effort. For example, if you’re an execÂutÂive coach, incorÂporÂate statÂistÂics from studÂies that show proÂfesÂsionÂals who work with a coach earn more and are proÂmoted faster. Or, if you’re a sleep conÂsultÂant, incorÂporÂate data that shows the health beneÂfits of sleep.
conÂsumer magazines: these typÂicÂally pay the best. These are the types of magazines you might find in a groÂcery store check-out line, conÂveniÂence store, in your buy a research proÂposÂal paper seat pockÂet, or your docÂtors office. Types of conÂsumer mags: mens, womens, speÂcial interest, infÂlight, teens, school/career, travel, health, ethnic/minority, politÂicÂal, enterÂtainÂment, romance, reliÂgious, etc. This is the area most writers try to
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Break into. third, and most importÂantly, you want to make sure that the time you do invest in writÂing a proÂposÂal is going to pay off by bringÂing in a new cliÂent. With that in mind, here are some key eleÂments you’ll want to include in every new busiÂness proÂposÂal in order to increase your close rate.
this is my favorÂite – perÂsistÂence pays! Please don’t be become disÂcourÂaged if you get turned down or don’t hear back from them! These proÂfesÂsionÂal organÂizÂaÂtions get hunÂdreds and hunÂdreds of research proÂposÂal writÂing help for just a few openÂings, so getÂting accepÂted is a matÂter of repeÂtiÂtion and perÂsistÂence. So keep plugÂging away, keep your head up and believe me your opporÂtunÂity will come!
have you heard a 60 second radio comÂmerÂcial recently? The informÂaÂtion is disÂtilled into sound bytes to be effectÂive. Make your 2–3 senÂtence book blurbs into a sound byte. Like a radio comÂmerÂcial where you only have a few seconds to get your mesÂsage across conÂdense your sound byte research proÂposÂal into a second tell
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And sell. it also means that you must try and develÂop as many comÂmitÂments as posÂsible priÂor to pubÂlicÂaÂtion so that you can bump up the size of the press run. You should negoÂtiÂate with book clubs, mass marÂketers, busiÂnesses and organÂizÂaÂtions that you feel can use your book. That is one of the reasÂons why the arc (advance review copy), which we will disÂcuss shortly, is so importÂant. It is the selling tool to accomÂplish these pre-press deals.
lastly, express your eagerÂness by askÂing for the next step. EspeÂcially if your grant has been accepÂted to the next proÂcess, be antiÂcipÂatÂing for any instrucÂtion and most of all, pass all required docÂuÂments on time. This gives them an impresÂsion that they are being priÂorÂitÂized well and that you can be a credÂible receivÂer who will not forÂget to hand them the status reports even after the bucks were givÂen. RememÂber that the grant writÂing proÂcess does not end even after you received the endowÂment. Keep courtÂing the funÂder and make him believe in your advocacies