Its a match: How Tinders engineering team works to build relationships
ReadÂing Time: 3 minutesIts a match: How Tinders enginÂeerÂing team works to build relaÂtionÂships Tinder is in the busiÂness of relaÂtionÂships. So it makes sense that its enginÂeerÂing team is built on perÂsonÂal conÂnecÂtions. With fewÂer than 200 enginÂeers mainÂtainÂing a platÂform for milÂlions of users, the comÂpany mainÂtains a tight-knit staff that enables each perÂson to make a difÂferÂence. In the office, that means conÂstant brainÂstormÂing sesÂsions, Slack feedÂback chanÂnels and internÂal test groups. But those relaÂtionÂships extend outÂside the office, too, with freÂquent barÂbeÂcues, trips to…