

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion After the Len­ten peri­od, fol­lows the Palm Sunday (also called Pas­sion Sunday) that marks the begin­ning of the Holy Week. The Palm/Passion Sunday is the first day of the Holy Week. Fol­low­ing the Gos­pel account accord­ing to Luke, the fol­low­ing were act­ively and con­vin­cingly involved in the betray­al of Jesus: a) The pion­eer betray­ers: the chief priests (Greek: archiere­is), the scribes/teachers of the law (Greek: gram­mateis), the cap­tains or officers of the temple, and the eld­ers (Greek: pres­b­uteroi), cf. Luke 22:2.4.52. They are betray­ers because…

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