

Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion One out­stand­ing fact from the Scrip­ture is that it reveals to us that people have always been afflic­ted with series of prob­lems and dif­fi­culties. As the author of Qoheleth/Ecclesiastes rightly observes, there is noth­ing what has happened before will hap­pen again, what has been done before will be done again, there is noth­ing new in the world (Qoh 1:9). Wherever Jesus went, he was approached by vari­ous people who had one prob­lem or the oth­er. In this Sunday Gos­pel, we find.….….. The syn­agogue official’s request…

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Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion After the par­ables of the king­dom expressed with the seed that grows auto­mat­ic­ally (without human effort) and the mus­tard seed, Mark con­cludes this sec­tion thus “with many such par­ables he spoke the word to the crowd, as they were able to hear it; he did not speak to them except in par­ables, but he explained everything in private to his dis­ciples” (Mark 4:33–34). Hav­ing thought the people with vari­ous par­ables, Jesus decided to con­tin­ue his mis­sion of teach­ing and enlight­en­ing the people in another…

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Read­ing Time: 2 minutes Intro­duc­tion Dur­ing his earthly mis­sion, Jesus went about heal­ing people of vari­ous infirm­it­ies. One of those infirm­it­ies was ignor­ance due to lack of adequate inform­a­tion con­cern­ing cer­tain things espe­cially as regards spir­itu­al and reli­gious mat­ters. By, with and through his won­der­ful teach­ings, Jesus healed many people and lib­er­ated them from spir­itu­al dark­ness. This Sunday Gos­pel read­ing presents one of those heal­ings. Jesus uses vari­ous par­ables to explain to the people the nature of the king­dom of God and the con­di­tions for enter­ing it. The fourth…

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Read­ing Time: 3 minutes Intro­duc­tion God loves the entire Cre­ated Order that He takes care of the mater­i­al and spir­itu­al life of His handi­work, espe­cially of human beings. Jesus recalled the atten­tion of the dis­ciples, when they wanted to bypass this divine dic­tate (Luke 9:11–17; cf. also Mark 6:30–44). The dog­mat­ic theo­logy schol­ars can­not for­get the long his­tor­ic­al heated debates con­cern­ing the nature of the con­sec­rated bread and wine – Con­sub­stan­ti­ation (also called Impana­tion) and Tran­sub­stan­ti­ation. In as much as we appre­ci­ate the effort to provide a dog­mat­ic foundation…

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